Different Types of Tanning Lotions

There are so many different types of tanning lotions on the market today. You will find that when you go to purchase one, you will have a lot of information to take in. You should read the instructions and directions on all of the bottles to make sure that you choose the right one for you and your skin type. Finding the right tanning lotion could make all the difference when it comes to the perfect tan.

There are three main types of tanning lotions. You should figure out what type of tan you are looking for to decide on the right product for you. An accelerator is a product that will boost the level of tanning cells in your skin. With the application of an accelerator when you shower in the morning, your skin will generate the tanning cells before you have your tanning session for the day. This will help you to tan almost immediately when you start the tanning process.

There are also amplifiers for tanning. This is a product that will create a moist barrier on your skin. This will trap rays that may have normally been reflected away. This will allow you to absorb as many tanning rays as you possibly can. This is a good idea also to keep your skin moist and looking good.

Bronzers are also great tanning lotions. This is a product that has a dye in it and will change the color of your skin almost immediately. There are some people that love them and there are others that despise them. You should be careful when you are applying the tanning lotions that contain bronzers so that they do not streak on the skin. They need to be applied evenly. You need to also make sure that your skin is moisturized well. If your skin is too dry it will absorb more bronzer than other areas and leave an uneven patch.

With a bronzer, you should make sure that you use a good exfoliate before you tan. This will help areas like your elbows, feel, ankles, and knees have a more smooth and silky feel so that the lotion goes on more evenly. You should also make sure that you wash your hands well after you use a bronzer so that it does not stain them.

There are also tanning lotions for indoor tanning and outdoor tanning. You need to make sure that you are using the right lotion for the right place. Outdoor tanning lotions have some form of SPF to protect your skin from some of the harmful rays of the sun. Indoor lotions do not have this and you may end up with a burning result if you use indoor lotion outside. Using the outdoor tanning lotions in a tanning bed may work for some. It will depend on the amount of SPF that is in the product.

It is always a good idea to tan smart and to make sure that you have the right protection that you want. You can look good with a great tan when you use the right tanning lotions.

Copyright 2006 - Agust Hauksson. Agust is a regular contributor of articles to many online publications. Find more great information at: http://www.tanning-lotion.info/, http://www.tanningbed-guide.info/ and http://www.tanningsalon-guide.com/

Aging Skin Care: Nonsurgical Treatment With Tretinoin

Topical tretinoin can be effectively used for treatment of mild sun damage and fine wrinkles and lines for skin care.Tretinoin is easy to use as a non-surgical method to get a youthful look. The skin care treatment has to be continued otherwise the benefits disappear. After some time of treatment, your doctor may reduce the dose of tretinoin to be used for giving you the young look. Tretinoin is generally used for face because face is the most exposed part of the body and acne, rashes sun damage etc. are more apparent on the face. Let us find out more about how tretinoin helps us non-surgically in skin care.

What is tretinoin- it is a form of retinoid that is derived from Vitamin A. It is also very popular in treatment of acne. Generally tretinoin is recommended for use by older patients who have fine wrinkles and sun damaged skin and spots. It is also used for younger people, who want to maintain a youthful look. Tretinoin may also be used as a preparation for further treatments such as chemical peeling. Use of tretinoin thins the skin and this prepares skin for better absorption of chemicals in peeling treatment.

For best skin care, your doctor may prescribe tretinoin for use every day at nighttime for about a year. After that this interval may be increased to once every two to three days. As tretinoin produces dryness, you may need to use a moisturizer twice a day. You may also need to adopt better protection from sun because tretinoin makes the skin more sensitive to UV radiation. If tretinoin is properly used, it can help reduce fine wrinkles, reduce age spots and also help you maintain a young look. It is a boon for those who are very careful about skin care.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

The author C.D. Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. You can visit http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ for more information about how to have good skin. You can also quiz your personality, relationships and carrer on http://www.funquizcards.com/ For sending free ecards, you can visit http://www.ecarduniverse.com/ This site has free ecards on holidays, birthday, love, friendship, family, expressions, celebrations and all events and occasions.

Acne is a scourge that affects 99% of everyone at some point in their life. For some acne is a minor skin problem that goes with puberty, for others acne can start as early as 8-10 years of age and remain through their 30's and 40's. Acne can leave both physical and emotional scars as it can really affect ones psychology and resultant outlook on life.

There are thousands of acne treatment skin care products out there that promise to help and alleviate the acne, but 99% of them do not work. We asked several leading dermatologists what really works on treating acne, what they recommend, and what they actually use in their office.

Before the dermatologists would tell us their recommendations, they wanted to make sure that we and our readers fully understood what acne is and what causes it. Acne starts as a blockage of the hair follicle by skin cells that are not properly exfoliated and excess sebum (oil). The plugged up hair follicle will eventually become infected as it is an excellent environment and breeding ground for bacteria. These infections grow to become postules and cysts which are hard, red, inflamed bumps that can leave permanent scars.

Acne treatment begins with a change in initial skin care. Soaps should not be used as they are usually too harsh and will dry out and further irritate the already irritated skin. The dermatologists recommend switching to a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil or its generic equivalents. A gentle cleanser will remove dirt, makeup and excess oil without irritation. According to the dermatologists, gentle cleansers should be a part of everyone's general skin care regimen.

Next, alcohol based cleaning and disinfecting solutions should not be used. Be sure to read the ingredients of any product you are thinking of using for treating your acne. Alcohol will dehydrate and further irritate your skin.

Many times acne is exacerbated by the skin's pH or acidity range being too basic. The skin naturally has a slightly acidic pH and this makes the skin less susceptible to a bacterial infection. Acne treatment products with glycolic acid or salicylic acid will be effective on minor acne as they will remove excess oil, slightly increase the rate of exfoliation (which helps heal acne), and help restore the original pH of your skin. A deeper and much more effective acne treatment is a TCA peel.

TCA peels will do everything that glycolic and salicylic will do, but TCA peels can also treat more severe forms of acne and have been clinically shown to even cure acne. TCA peels are offered on an outpatient basis and can take 3-10 days to heal, but they result in new, younger looking skin and are well worth it.

The only other acne treatment items that the dermatologists unanimously recommended was Accutane in the most severe cases (Accutane is very toxic and does require blood tests and monitoring) and antibiotics. The dermatologists stated that the TCA Peels work 1,000 times better than any peroxide wash or cleansing system and have similar results to Accutane without any of the harsh side effects.

Needless to say, they all offer TCA skin peels for acne treatment in their offices and none offered peroxide or alcohol cleansers even for general skin care.

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. For more information on TCA peels for in home use and great anti-aging products and ideas please visit Bestskinpeel.com

Acne Treatment Taking Care Of Mild Acne

Acne has three stages of diseases - mild, moderate and severe. If acne can be treated during the first stage itself, you can save tremendous amount of effort and protect yourself from the agony of bad looking scars that form after third stage of acne. Catch acne in the mild stage itself and don?t let it grow to second and third stage.

Mild acne does not need more intensive forms of treatment. Many acne sufferers treat themselves with OTC medicines for acne. Some patients prefer to consult a doctor at this stage itself to protect themselves from any flare up of acne.

Let us discuss the common treatment available for mild acne. Over the counter medications consisting of salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide can control mild acne that is mainly whiteheads and blackheads. While using these medications, wash your acne prone area with mild sop/cleanser and warm water twice a day to remove excess oil and dead skin.

Some times these products may cause dryness, redness or peeling. Use an oil free moisturizer if the peeling is present. The skin takes some time to adjust to the acne medication. If irritation occurs, you should consult your doctor. Please remember that acne medication takes time to treat acne. Many time up to eight weeks to work. Keep patience and wait for the results to get acne cured. If you don't get results after that, you should consult your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe other medicines to treat acne.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

The author C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. You can visit http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ for more information about how to have good skin. The author also writes for free animated screen savers and desktop wallpapers at http://www.screene.com/ on topics like nature, spirituality, motivation, love, holidays, animals, etc. You can downlaod as many free wallpapers as you wish from here.

How To Establish A Base Tan Without Getting Burned

Lets face it. A nice tan makes you look and feel great. Plus, it can hide ugly cellulite and also make you appear thinner!

If you are going on a trip or you simply want to look good for an event that?s coming up, it?s important to establish a base tan.

Here are some 10 indoor tanning steps to help you achieve a nice base tan without getting burned*.

By the way, if you are hesitant about using an indoor tanning bed but want to get a tan, try a UV-free spray tan like Mystic Tan.

Otherwise, the steps below will help guide you through the UV indoor tanning process:

1.Be careful if you are on any prescription medications: blood pressure medications, antibiotics, skin problem medications are just a few categories of drugs you preferably should not be taking if you are tanning or spending lots of time outdoors. Refer to the photosensitizing medication chart in your local tanning salon to be sure the medications you are taking are not listed. These medications can effect the results of your tanning, making it more difficult to tan and you are more prone to burning.

2.Always use a good quality indoor tanning lotion. It will help your skin to absorb the UV, which will aid in the tanning process. There are also special ingredients that stimulate melanin production, such as Tyrosine, which will give you the most out of every tanning session. Your skin tends to dry out during the tanning process and if you don?t use a good quality indoor tanning lotion, your skin will exfoliate faster, become more dry and flaky, and you will lose your tan faster. So the bottom line: for a deeper, darker, longer lasting tan, you need to use quality indoor tanning lotion. It?s best to apply indoor tanning lotion immediately prior to your session or 1-2 hours prior is even better if you can. Applying it ahead of time allows your skin to absorb the lotion better so you will get the best results from your tanning session.

3.Apply after tan lotion as well to take care of your skin and keep it moisturized. Apply it twice daily at a minimum to keep your skin happy, once in the morning and again at night before bed. This also can enhance your tan and make it longer lasting- the key to a great tan is healthy skin!

4.If you are just beginning to tan, remember to start out conservative. Whatever you do, you don?t want to burn- you cannot tan on top of a burn and you will have to start over. The old saying ?I always burn first and then I tan? is completely false, it simply does not have to be this way. If you burn, your skin is telling you that it?s getting too much sun, and then you will peel. So start out with a low number of minutes and work your way up. If you have fair skin but do have the ability to tan, you should not go more than 6-7 minutes your first time in a standard 20 minute tanning bed (also known as a Level 1 tanning bed). For stronger beds with shorter tan times, you would go for even less minutes.

5.Go once every 24-48 hours to build your base. Depending on how well your skin is doing, you can decide whether you can go once a day or once every other day. A good rule of thumb is if your skin is not pink within the 24 hours after your session, you can probably go again the next day without any problem. If your skin is pink, feels dry and itchy, or you get a rash, this is a signal that you went for too many minutes and need to take a break until it feels better and then start over again.

6.Once you build up your base, you really don?t need to tan as often. So depending on the type of bed you are using, you should only go 2-3 times per week to keep your tan, even less in stronger beds. This is where I see many people go overboard, tanning every day when it is really not necessary. Many people enjoy the relaxation time that tanning provides, but tanning too often can and will speed up your aging process and potentially cause other skin ailments over a long period of time. Just like everything else in life, moderation is key!

7.Wear eye goggles at all times! Many people think that putting a towel over their face will block the UV rays, but it doesn?t and repeated UV exposure can cause major eye problems later in life. Would you rather be blind or have lighter eyelids? I think I would choose the latter, but that is just me. For your own safety, please wear the eye goggles!

8.Since indoor tanning does not require the use of a bathing suit, use a towel to cover those ?sensitive? areas that don?t see the sun very often if you want to tan all over. In the beginning, try covering those areas for half the session and see how it goes. Gradually you can remove the towel earlier and earlier until you don?t need to use one anymore. The towel acts as a filter but won?t completely block the UV rays, so you are still getting the tanning process started.

9.To avoid getting creases or pressure tanning lines, you should move your limbs into different positions during your session. For the first half, try laying down with both arms extended above your head and legs apart. For the second half, bring your arms down next to your sides but away from your body, and re-position your legs by raising one knee slightly for a half of the remaining time, and then the other leg do the same thing.

10.Try to avoid wearing make-up, deodorant, or other perfumes prior to tanning. Some of these things can make your skin more sensitive and possibly have a bad reaction with your skin when exposed to UV. If you wear a lot of deodorant, you may notice that you are not tanning as well around your armpits, and you need to remove this prior to tanning.

When it comes to tanning, every person?s skin type is different and results will vary. Consult with your local tanning salon for a skin type analysis (from a Smart Tan Certified Tanning Consultant) so you can get a good idea of where to start.

* Also, ask your doctor for his or her advice if you have any specific medical questions or concerns.

?2005 Angela Maroevich

Angela Maroevich (everyone calls her Angie) is a salon owner, entrepreneur, and athlete. You can review more of her articles on tanning and skin care for free at http://www.tanning-advisor.com.

Wrinkles Remove Them With Quick Collagen Injections

Skin and wrinkles-

As skin ages and also with the effect of sun damage our dermal layer that contains collagen and elastin fibers that support the upper skin layer, lose lot of collagen. As the collagen is lost, wrinkles form and cannot be repaired unless the collagen is brought back. This is done by collagen implants or collagen injections. This is a very simple procedure and will give your skin a young look again. Let us find out more about skin and collagen implants.

Types of collagen for skin implants -

You have a choice of human collagen or bovine collagen. The body of most of the people accepts both these types. Your surgeon will decide upon the choice of collagen that has to be used for you.

Collagen skin injection procedure-

In this procedure the doctor will first discuss with you about the types of wrinkles that can be removed with collagen injections. Once both of you decide about the wrinkles, collagen will be injected below the skin near the wrinkle with a fine needle. It is not a very painful procedure. You may feel some swelling for a day or two.

Collagen implants in skin and repetition of procedure-

As collagen is a protein, the body will slowly absorb it. You may need another injection after some months. This also depends upon the location of the wrinkles. Areas that you use very often may need injection earlier than those you don't use so often. For example, all your face area near your mouth is most used as you speak. That portion may need an injection sooner than other areas. Collagen injections are one of the easiest ways to remove wrinkles and get a young looking face again.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

C.D. Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. For more information about how to have a blemish free young looking skin, please visit the anti aging section of - http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ If you love solving quizzes on personality, relationships and career, you can try hundreds of them at Fun Quiz Cards. For sending free animated flash ecards and greeting cards on topics such as holidays, birthday, love, friendship, family, expressions, celebrations, etc. please visit Free eCards website for a very large collection of free ecards.

Acne Program Step 6 Juices You Should Be Drinking

Drinking fruit juices help to bring vitamins and minerals quickly into your blood where they can supply what is necessary for acne free skin. Minerals quickly neutralize skin acids and bring the skin pH back to normal ? slightly acidic.

Fresh juices have antibacterial action and contain digestive enzymes that help you digest protein and fat.

Because of the vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes, pure water, and nutrients that juices have, they have the power to cleanse your body of toxic wastes.

Here are some juices to drink that will keep your face free of acne.

Apple juice

Drink at least 2 glasses of this juice every day. Apple juice has a high level of minerals and vitamins, which makes it ideal for skin health.

Apricot ? berry juice

Mix equal parts of apricot and berry juice and add a little honey to taste. Drink one cup in the morning. Place the other two glasses into a thermos and drink one more glass at noon and one at dinner.

Cherry juice

Cherry juice is a powerful drink, because it has so many minerals. It will make your body more alkaline by neutralizing acid waste in the blood, in the lymph liquid and wherever it goes. It will also help keep you regular.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is one of the best juices you can drink for your skin health. It contains many minerals, which will eliminate acid waste. Lemon juice will help constipation, liver disorders, reduce mucus accumulation, improve digestion, reduce infections, and help to clear skin disorders like acne.

One way I use lemon juice is to squeeze the juice of one lemon into 16 oz water and drink it during the day.


Melon juice is also an excellent drink for acne. It is almost a perfect food in that it has many vitamins and minerals. It is most helpful with constipation, kidney disorders and skin disorders.

Orange and grapefruit

Prepare half and half of orange and grapefruit juice using a hand juicer. The flavor is extremely tasty. The combination of these two fresh fruits will give you a powerful start in the morning. They will give you a vitamin C boost with plenty of flavanoids and minerals.

These combined fruits will cleanse your intestinal tract, help in blood disorders, liver disorders, lung disorders and skin infections.

Orange and lemon juice

Mix 3 parts of orange juice with one part lemon juice. Add a little water and honey and put into a thermos. Drink the juice all day long for glowing skin.

Lemon juice helps the skin to rejuvenate and grow new skin. It helps the skin to flake off old skin and improve the skin?s metabolism.

Other juices to drink

There are many other fruit juices to drink. Here are a few more.

* Peach juice

* Pear juice

* Pineapple juice

* Prune juice

* Strawberry juice

Try to use organic fruit when making your juice. It is better to make your own juices since most bottled juice contain no life force or natural live enzymes. Drink the juices soon after you juice them. If you want, put them in a thermos for later in the day. Drink them within 2-3 hours. If you can?t make your own juice, the buying bottle juices is second best for clearing your acne.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call ?natural-remedies-thatwork.com.? More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at: http://www.acne-remedies.for--you.info

Acne Pill

There are lots of acne pills available in the market and it is very difficult to choose a good acne pill. Also there are various herbal pills, homeopathic medicines and other therapies available for curing acne.

It is advised to consult a physician and buy acne pills and not buy them without a physicians advise. It might be confusing whether to buy a herbal medicine or allopathic medicine for treating acne. There are so many lotions and creams available in the market and on websites that people get confused while buying.

Some dermatologists might prescribe antibiotics if the acne is severe, while some might prescribe lotions and creams to get rid of acne. It all depends on the severity of acne.

It is advised to go to a dermatologist who would prescribe medicines. There are many stages of acne and there are many types of acne and a dermatologist only would be able to recommend the medications and their dosage. He also would recommend the right type of lotions and creams to be used.

If the dermatologist prescribes an acne pill then take it according to the prescription. Some acne pills could increase the redness and become severe. If you feel any problem while taking acne pills then contact your dermatologist immediately. Do not buy acne pills without consulting your doctor.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit http://beauty.resourz.com/2006/01/30/acne-pill/

You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL which is mentioned above.

Eczema Instigator The Itch

Skin irritation skin disorder skin ailment, call it what you like but eczema is an eruption of the skin causing pain and suffering to millions worldwide. Eczema comes in many different forms. One of the most common is the type suffered by babies and children called atopic eczema. Eczema is a skin complaint which can maliciously cover the whole body. Dry patches of scaly crusted scabby like clusters mounded in a clump or red pimply like sores are just a few to mention of how eczema displays its self on the skin (not in all cases) severity of this nature most definitely needs medical attention and the reason is because if unattended the sufferer gets to prolong their agony by scratching. After an attack on the skin with fingernails expect the infected area to become wet after the oozing clear fluid which sometimes consists of specks of blood settles around the open pierced skin

A skin complaint like eczema can flare up at any time through a number of reasons. As the years pass us by our skin starts to thin and becomes drier thus contributing to vulnerability of eczema affecting us in the ripe old years. Then we have allergies developed from exposure to things we find that does not agree with the skin hence allergic reactions.

The instigator behind why the scratching takes place is the distressing symptom (The Itch) a patient does more harm than good by scrawbing away at the flesh seeking contentment in easing the itch. Damage done by scratching can result in an open wound prone to infection.

Some types of eczema can be surrounded by a redness which changes colour e.g. from bright red to barely showing at all. Because eczema is normally dry and scaly it prevents and reduces the quality of the skin and its performance in doing what nature intended and that being is to protect against heat cold and all forms of bacterial infections.

Medical treatment is advisable in every type of eczema whether it mild or severe. Hospital admissions have been imminent in some cases where the human body has been ravished by this complaint or where infection has set in after a fingernail beheads a pimply spot. The largest organ weighing in at approx four kilograms is the skin. A great many people are unaware and intend to ignore the skin and its needs. The skin like any other part of the body needs attention. The hair is nourished with conditioner the teeth with toothpaste so why not the skin. This coverage of about two square metres covering the human body has to stand up to appalling weather conditions/bumps/knocks and itching.

Remember the skin is your border line with the environment which is not in the very best of health at the moment. So while environmental friendly activists fight a good cause to stamp out pollution then please protect the skin. Medication for eczema should be prescribed by your doctor because what you think may be eczema may just not be.

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How to Gain Weight and Build More Muscle Mass

In the health, fitness, and nutrition world, achieving optimal or desired body weight is dominated by a single theme: losing weight. The vast majority of products and services available on the market proclaim to achieve weight loss goals, and even the (often discordant) medical community is in general harmony when it comes to promoting weight loss options, including drugs and some surgeries.

Overall, this is not a negative thing; especially with the Center for Disease Control predicting that obesity (which is already considered an epidemic among US youth) will soon become the number one preventable killer in the US, overtaking cigarette smoking. Yet lost within this maze, and haze, of weight-loss drive are naturally thin people who face a different challenge: they want to gain weight; not lose it.

The Problem of Gaining Weight

The saying ?a little information is a dangerous thing? applies quite dramatically to the problem of gaining weight. The information available ? anecdotes on the web, ignorant health care ?experts? who have not actually researched the problem of losing weight ? is generally of poor quality. In fact, the strategy ?just eat more to gain weight? is far too often the well-meaning -- but woefully incompetent -- advice prescribed to naturally thing people who want to gain weight.

The impact of this ignorance is a cycle that involves two concepts: misinformation and misunderstanding. At first glance, these two words may seem synonymous. Yet, as briefly described below, they both have their separate roles to play in the problem of gaining weight.

* Misinformation stems from poor quality information, including anecdotal data that has no scientific basis, which leads people to attempt implausible and sometimes dangerous weight gain programs.

* Misunderstanding stems from the lack of results due to the misinformation phase noted above, and leads to the erroneous conclusion that a naturally thin individual ?cannot gain weight?.

Despite this dramatic problem, correcting this knowledge gap is possible, and involves three strategies:

1. Appropriate Nutrition

2. A Complete Training Program

3. Intrinsic Motivation and Keeping Up Progress

Each of these key aspects are discussed below, but it is essential to note that they are integrated; no element is more important than another, and they work in a holistic, reinforcing system.

Graining Weight via Appropriate Nutrition

In the weight loss world, the word ?calorie? is one of the more dreaded terms; and it?s not uncommon to find self-proclaimed diet foods that promise to help eaters burn more calories than they consume. For naturally thin people who wish to gain weight, however, the challenge is reversed: you need to ingest more calories than you burn.

Unfortunately, that simple phrase ? ?you need to ingest more calories than you burn? ? represents the totality of most anecdotal (and inept) advice provided to naturally thin people. True, while the end of gaining weight is to ingest more calories than one burns, there is so much more information that must be conveyed. You could just eat ice cream all day. That has plenty of calories, right? But you would simply get fat. Why? Because all calories are not created equal.

Yes you must eat more food, but not more junk. Otherwise, the end result of ingesting ?junk foods? (those that contain high amount of saturate fat, trans-fat, sugar and processed carbohydrates) is that an individual may ?feel? physically bigger, but that increase will be simply an increase in unwanted fat. Even worse, is that the desired weight gain will not be concurrent to this increase in body fat, since fat tissue weighs so much less than muscle tissue.

The most stunning visual pointer of this biological reality is looking at Sumo wrestlers. Indeed, while these powerful men possess a great deal of muscle, unlike bodybuilders or heavyweight boxers, they are often best characterized by their enormous stores of fat; and all of that fat tissue comes from a steady diet of calories from fat (many Sumo wrestlers ingest startlingly unhealthy amounts of junk food).

On the other hand, calories derived from high quality sources of protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats are unarguably more beneficial for adding lean muscular weight.

Foods that are high in protein include: whey protein, lean beef, poultry, eggs, fish and dairy products.

Calories from protein are efficiently converted into muscle when supported by an exercise plan (which will be discussed below), and the general rule of thumb while strength training is to ingest 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight. This is typically more than the USFDA Recommended Dietary Intake, which suggests about 50 grams of protein per day for adult males. However, this recommended amount is intended for moderately active adult males who do not need (or want) to gain weight.

Complex carbs are found in potatoes, rice, whole grain breads and beans. Healthy fats are found in olive oil, flaxseed oil, avocadoes and raw nuts.

Another general rule is that you should consume protein as a part of every meal, and meals should be eaten in small portions throughout the day as opposed to large meals 1 or 2 times a day. Calories from protein can help ward off a dramatic insulin spike that would otherwise greet fat calories (such as after one eats a candy bar or piece of cake).

Avoiding this insulin spike, or at least preventing some of its damage, is critical for gaining the right kind of weight (muscle) and avoiding the wrong kind of weight (fat).

A Complete Training Program

There are more training programs available than can be catalogued; and this is, in itself, not negative. It simply means that different people, with different strength training goals, can follow a program that most effectively reaches their goals. What can be negative, however, is when someone focusing on gaining weight is provided with a training program that is either incomplete, or completely meant for someone else; such as someone who wants to lose weight, or convert existing excess fat into muscle. Find a program that is ?specifically? designed for your goal.

The most effective kind of strength training for ?our? needs, involves free weights. True, machines and other exercises are better than nothing at all but free weights cause the most stress on muscle fibers, and that is precisely how muscle is built (through the tearing and repairing of miniscule muscle fibers).

A typical strength training program for weight gain all almost always includes compound free weight lifts like squats, bench press, shoulder press, pull-ups (wide grip), and dips. The amount of weight used for each, the amount of reps, and the frequency of training, will obviously be customized to suit your body type, current strength, and strength training goals.

It?s also important to note is that training too often is both dangerous and counter-productive. More training does not equal more muscle. The body does not become stronger during exercise; it actually becomes stronger during the repair period between exercising. This is rather non-intuitive, but it?s a basic scientific fact. As such, it?s critically important for people to avoid over-training, and to build in appropriate rest periods between reps, sets, and workouts.

Intrinsic Motivation and Keeping Up Progress

This may be the most neglected component of an effective weight-gain system, yet it?s easily as important as the other two noted above.

The problem of motivation is typically not one of starting. Many people have the will and desire to start a weight gain program; at least, they do for the first few times. Where motivation makes ? or breaks ? a weight gain program is when it comes to monitoring progress and maintaining muscle gain.

This doesn?t imply that people are weak or uninterested in progress; actually, it?s rather more complex than that. Though 1,000 people may focus, on the same day and at the same time, on gaining weight effectively and with measurable muscular results, it?s not an exaggeration to say that each of these people will experience something different. Some of those differences will be profound and visible; other differences will be subtle and difficult to put into words. The dilemma here is that people may start doubting the validity of their program when their progress (or lack of progress) does not mirror the results achieved by someone else. Or worse, some people may truly start doubting their own ability to ?ever gain weight? when they see someone else making apparent progress towards their weight gain goals.

The remedy to this dilemma is contained in the term ?follow-through?. The key to successful weight gain lies fundamentally in one?s ability to follow-through with a program, and to stick with it, while at the same time making appropriate adjustments to exploit gains, and avoid disappointment. Ultimately, if the nutrition and strength training components are in place, achieving weight gain goals are merely a matter of time and effort; and that is where motivation plays it?s most important role.

Typical proven strategies to ensure motivation remains high and continuous include: adjusting workouts to add some variety and avoid boredom; using visuals (such as a before and after picture, or a video) to monitor progress; writing down (realistic!) goals; measuring physical improvements on a bi-weekly basis; measuring mental/psychological improvements on a bi-weekly basis; staying focused, and of course, taking breaks when necessary.

Putting it All Into Place and Taking Action

As noted earlier, there is a disconcerting amount of poor quality (or no quality) information available that purports to help naturally thin people gain weight. The majority of this harmful information revolves around ?eating more?; which, if it works, simply leads to the creation of permanent fat cells. Unfortunately, for naturally thin people stuck in this cycle of misinformation and misunderstanding, their choices are to either remain thinner than they?d like, or put on fat pounds and risk a high body fat ratio or even obesity.

Thankfully, however, nothing needs to be created in order to help naturally thin people succeed in their weight gain goals; scientific advancements or miracle cures are not required. Simply, what is required is action based on what is already available, and what has been noted above: proper nutrition, effective strength training and self-motivation.

Ensuring that these three elements are present is the unifying theme that is common to almost every successful weight gain story that has ever been written, applauded, and admired.

Former skinny guy Anthony Ellis is the author of Gaining Mass! The most widely used weight gain program in the world.

This unique program designed to help people gain weight and build muscle, is currently being used in over 90 countries and boasts the largest private weight gain forum on the Internet, with well over 13,000 members at http://www.fastmusclegain.com

Click here to view over 200 user testimonials: http://www.fastmusclegain.com/testimonials.html

Cosmetic Procedures Accepted as A Social Need

According to British statistics, more than 100,000 cosmetic procedures are performed every year. Among these procedures we can find Botox injections for remove wrinkles as well as laser peels to improve the appearance of skin. Anti aging procedures such as facelifts, brow lifts and eyelid surgery become very popular due their acceptability.

As a very interesting fact, statistics mention a growing number of men taking the decision to go under cosmetic knife. From professional need to look pleasant to self-esteem reasons, men have finally received the societal permission to have cosmetic procedures. Men have the money and the desire to have a young appearance. Among male patients, rhinoplasty - the nose correction procedure - is the most popular cosmetic surgery.

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, evaluates that in 2005 year more patients improved their quality of life and self-esteem through their looks using the right circumstance of aesthetic surgery. Experts explain this growing demand by the fact more and more people access information regarding what cosmetic surgery might achieve.

On the other hand, statistics shows a growing trend in demand of less-invasive procedures and often less costly than surgery, such as laser hair removal and anti-cellulite treatments.

The BAAPS points that whether looking to rejuvenate their appearance or go for a complete makeover, patients should find a well-reputable doctor who is qualified in the area they are asking cosmetic treatment.

Learn about anti aging procedures and skin care visiting Evie's website http://perfect-beauty.blogspot.com.

Natural Herbal Skin Care

Natural herbal skin care has been the choice of beautiful women the world over for thousands of years. It has only been recently that cosmetic companies have formulated makeup and skin care products that contain chemicals and artificial additives in an effort to improve on the natural herbal skin care regimens that have been around for centuries.

But today many women have come to realize that these harsh chemicals and artificial ingredients that are so expensive aren?t necessarily good for their skin ? in fact, in some cases they can cause drying and stripping of the skin?s natural pH balance and interfere with the body?s natural skin repair process. That?s why so many have returned to the natural herbal skin care routines that are based on some of the same key ingredients that might have been used by legendary beauties like Cleopatra or Marie Antoinette.

Some basic beauty secrets of the ages ? natural herbal ingredients for skin care includes essential oils, rose water, crushed almonds, sea salts, rice powder, shea butter and purified water are common. These ingredients are good for the skin as rarely you will encounter any allergy to them. These natural ingredients can help to moisturize dry skin and contains cooling botanicals to promote the healing of blemishes and a complete skin care regimen. The benefits include slowing down the aging process and help to diminish those fine lines and crow?s feet.

Natural herbal skin care can be the answer if you have sensitive skin and are prone to rashes and or break-outs. Many people don?t realize that occasional flare-ups of blemishes or rashes can mean your skin is being irritated by the many chemicals in the soaps, cleansers, astringents and other products your skin is exposed to every day. Add to the list the many dyes, chemicals and preservatives in your makeup and it?s a virtual assault on your delicate skin.

That?s what makes natural herbal skin care so important as a part of your daily skin care routine. Using natural, soothing ingredients can actually calm and soothe your skin, reducing the number of break-outs and rashes. Soothing ingredients like oatmeal for sensitive skin calm itching and redness when rare flare-ups do occur due to environmental stressors.

Most natural skin products are full of natural botanicals, vitamins and minerals and pure anti-oxidants to nourish your skin, and are just as rich and creamy as any luxury department store skin care line. There is a whole range of products, from natural clay masks for acne to healing aloe gels for dry skin. Best of all, these does not contain the harsh chemicals that you can find in some other non-natural products.

By using natural herbal skin care products, you?re improving the condition of your skin and decreasing the likelihood of future skin problems.

Jerrick Foo has been researching and developing all dry skin care the purpose of offering men and women safe, dry skin care tips. He have created Dry Skin Care Guide to share his 10 years of combined expertise with you. Visit http://www.dry-skin-care-guide.com for essential skin care tips.

Vitiligo in Some Cases

Vitiligo isn't the most deadly thing that you can come down with, like other diseases though you don't want to get it. Vitiligo is the loss of skin pigmentation in patches. This disease and several others are as a result of an auto-immune attack, which actually occurs by your own body's immune system, specifically on skin melanocytes.

Vitiligo most oftenly occurs late in adulthood. The early patches that will begin to appear on skin, may continue to grow, or may remain constant in size. Often times these patches will be irritated due to their location. A simple example of this, is on your feet and ankles, where the patches are constantly in contact, with shoes, socks, sandals, etc. Often times Vitiligo will first occur as a result of stress that hits the immune system, which makes the body react in a funny way and start to eliminate skin pigment.

Unlike most diseases, Vitiligo, is not a medical problem. In can and does in most situations cause a mental problem, as socially it is different from the norm. The only real and thing that people affected with the disease have to be careful of is to protect themselves from the sun, and other uv lights. This is required because skin pigmentation acts the barrier for our body, to protect against the sun. Without this 'layer', you can only burn, never tan.

The severity of the noticeability of the patches is different among all people, and varies greatly with the natural skin color of your body. For example if naturally your sking color is quite dark, light patches are going to be much more noticeable then if your skin is a light shade to begin with.

As always it is recommended to visit a physician immediately if you suspect that you have Vitiligo. This can save you from burns, and help to protect your body, from skin damage,etc.

Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the article, this caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.

Ryan Fyfe is the owner and operator of Treatments For Vitiligo - http://www.treatments-for-vitiligo.com, which is the best site on the internet for all Vitiligo related information.

Some Words About Antiaging and Disease Prevention

The aging process is for the greater part no mystery anymore. It consists for a great part of daily damages done on the macroscopic, tissue, cellular and genetic levels. These add up as the years are passing. These damages have specific causes like oxidating agents, sun beams, mechanical wear and tear, psychological stress, lack of some nutritional components and too much of others, like fat.

Another component of aging is the reduction of the telomere chains at the chromosome ends, as each cell division occurs. However, the body has means to repair these ends again, with an enzyme called telomerase. The rapidity of the aging process depends on lack of efficiency in this repair process. The above mention aging causes also slow down this repair process.

The factors causing aging, also causes other diseases like cancer and coronary heart disease. Both aging and these diseases can in great extend be prevented with the knowledge possessed today, and the damages can in great extend be reversed. The components to achieve this are:

-Adequate dayly food containing whole cereals, peas, beans, vegetables, fruit, fish, mushroms, fouls and seafood, and with just a moderate amount of red meat.

-Just a moderate amount of fat and most of the fat supply comming from sources like olive, fish, nuts, sun-flower, etc. Then you will get a good balance between mono-unsaturated fat (olive), poly-unsaturated fat of the omaga-3-type (fish) and poly-unsaturated fat of the omega-6-type.

-Just a very moderate amount of butter, soya oil, corn oil and palm oil. A high consumption of these fat sources gives you too much saturated fat and poly-unsaturated omega-6-fat.

-Just a very moderate amount of sugar, refined flour or refined cereals.

-Supplements of specific nutritional components like vitamins, minerals, lecitin and some essential fatty acids.

-Adequate training, that both gives both a muscular load, work up your condition and stretches out your body. To stretch out, yoga-exercizes are ideal.

-Adequate rest and stress-reduction. Daily meditation is a method of achieving this. Natural relaxing agents or spesific tools for meditation or relaxation may also be useful.

-Supplements of specific anti-aging agents like anti-oxidants or human growth hormone.

-Use of spesific anti-aging agents to apply upon the skin surface.

-To protect the skin against excessive sun exposure.

The amount one needs of nutritional supplements, like vitamins and minerals, differs very much according to a person`s health condition, work load and exposure to environmental stress. A person having a poor digestion, doing high performance sport or being exposed to a high amount of environmental stressors, may need more than an person in an average situation.

About The Author

Submitted by Pantera Consulting K Holt, att/Knut Holt. This article can be freely used as long as the following url is attached: http://www.panteraconsulting.com/salg2.htm


Acne vulgaris (acne) is a condition, popular with teens and young adults, that is characterized by red, inflamed bumps and patches. These bumps and patches are formed by overactive sebacious glands (usually due to hormonal imbalances), high skin pH, oil, and basteria that thrive in these conditions. This acne can be worsened by summer heat, improper cleaning, itching and picking at the bumps (they are not pimples and will only get worse when picked at), pH imbalance, bad nutrition, etc...

By changing our habits we can improve this condition. Using mild soaps and cleansers will prove less irritating. Eating a well balanced diet will average out the condition and slowly improve it. And we all know not to pick at acne postules and bumps, but to stop it and possibly cure it we have to get to the source deep in the skin.

Surface treatments like benzoyl peroxide creams and solutions are at best minimally effective and can further irritate the condition. We need to get several layers down to the source, the bacteria, inflamation, and the sebacious glands where acne forms.

Plastic surgeons know that glycolic and salicylic peels are better than hydrogen peroxide treatments, but they will not reach the source. This is where plastic surceons and doctors use TCA peels (trichloroacetic acid) which is a deeper peel to reach the source, change the skin pH (which kills off the bacteria - they cannot survive in high acidity conditions), and increase skin regeneration by sloughing off several layers. TCA peels have been clinically prove to treat and cure acne better than any other treatment (including lasers and Accutane) without any of the horrible side effects).

TCA peels used to be something only the wealthy could afford, but not anymore. You can still go to your doctor and pay $500+ or you can do it yourself. TCA peels are the easiest, safest, and most effective of all the skin peels and are now easily available. For more details about TCA peels contact the author below or look it up on the internet. Get a TCA peel and start enjoying cleaner, more youthful skin and stop wasting your money on products that don't work.

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale: http://www.bestskinpeel.com or by visiting or http://www.mdwholesale.com.

Sunblock. Your Most Important Cosmetic

Your Most Important Cosmetic? Sunblock by a mile!

Are you a skin care junkie? Is your bathroom closet overflowing with bottles and jars? Does the content of these bottles and jars actually do anything to improve your skin?

My guess is sometimes. We all get seduced by promises of younger looking skin or banish wrinkles overnight. But the sad fact is a lot of the pretty looking products out there do not do what they promise and the wrinkles, acne, broken veins or whatever ails you is still there the next morning.

There is one cosmetic that stands head and shoulders above the rest - Sunblock.

Sunblock is the best preventative of aging skin you can buy in a bottle. It won't make you look younger in a few applications, you need to use it regularly - like every day - but over time it will make a tremendous difference to the appearance of your skin.

Sunblock can be found as lotion, gel, roll on, or spray. If you're on a tight budget you can usually buy a bottle for just a few dollars from a supermarket or drugstore. Test it on an inconspicuous part of you first in case you have an allergy to it! This is more important for the cheaper brands.

Use sunblock even if its cloudy outside. Ultraviolet (UV) rays can penetrate clouds by up to 80%, yes even if its raining. If you're driving, UV rays can penetrate glass, they can also be reflected off glass or water.

And don't just use sunblock on your face. Put it on your hands, feet, arms or whatever bits of you that are not covered up. This is not just for appearances, sunblock can prevent potentially fatal skin cancers and melanomas from developing.

Even if you have never used sunblock and you've already developed premature aging, its not too late! Regular use of sunblock and staying out of the sun can actually reverse some of the damage.

Make sure you use a sunblock which has a sun protection factor (SPF) of over 15 and apply it fairly generously for best results. Its also best to apply at least 20 minutes before venturing out.

Remember - prevention is better than cure!

Wendy Owen is a health researcher and author. For advice on absolutely natural skin care visit http://www.just-natural-skincare.com. A gift of 5 free beauty books are yours if you sign on for our newsltter.

Acne Skin Care Products

There are many skin care products out on the market. There are skin care products made for men, women, and all teens. Almost everyone?s skin breaks out at some point and that is why there are so many acne skin care products available today.

Because there are so many acne skin care products then you are more than capable of finding a product that will help your skin and help prevent blemishes. These medications are meant to help balance out your skin. The problem can be sensitivity, tone, ethnicity, or gender. Yes all of those can be factors in why your skin is breaking out. For some people a simple toner will help your skin, but for other you may have to go to a dermatologist to get a product that will work for you.

Facial cleanser is something everyone should you though. A facial cleanser is gentle and good for your skin. Be careful when trying to find an appropriate acne skin product because trying too many can dry out your skin, causing more acne.

If you are using peroxide to clean your face, get a moisturizer to keep your skin from becoming dry. This could also help keep you skin balanced. Test a small section of skin before settling on a product. You want to make sure it won?t make your skin worse.

For men, try using a manual razor over an electric razor. Change the blade often, so your face will not get irritated by pieces of hair that may have stuck in the razor. Always rinse your blade in hot water, so you do not infect your skin. Use shaving cream that is meant for sensitive skin.

Taking vitamins will also help balance your skin. Watch what you eat and drink. Sugar can be a huge cause in a break out. Foods with sulfur, like garlic and onions can be used to increase acne. Consider talking to a dermatologist to get the most out of acne skin products.

http://healthspotonline.com is a health information portal founded by Jakob Culver.

To find out more information about this topic and more visit the website =>http://healthspotonline.com

An Introduction To Natural Skin Care

Research indicates that self-confident people perform well at work and have secure relationships. Great looking skin makes one feel good and adds to self-confidence. While some people are born with flawless skin, others have to work hard to achieve it. Even individuals blessed with a lovely complexion need to take care of their skin regularly.

Natural skin care involves the application of naturally occurring materials to cleanse, refresh, and nourish skin. These materials are readily available, inexpensive, and harmless unless one is allergic to any of them.

Different skin types require different skin care products and beauty regimens. People with normal skin can use a number of natural aids to enhance their looks. A mask made of fresh apple juice and honey can be applied on the face and neck and rinsed off after 20 minutes. A mix of orange-peel powder, oatmeal, and milk can also be used effectively.

Oily skin tends to be problematic, especially during adolescence. A mask of raw egg whites and freshly squeezed lemon juice can help to reduce the oiliness. This mask should be washed off with warm water. A mask made with grated cucumber and rosewater can also work magic on oily skin.

Dry skin tends to get drier with age and to look rough. A concoction of mashed ripe banana, honey, and olive oil can be applied to refresh and nourish dry, tired-looking skin. Ripe strawberries, mashed and mixed with fresh cream can also be used.

Two masks should ideally be applied on combination skin, simultaneously. One mask should take care of the T-zone and the other, the rest of the face and the neck. Alternatively, one can add olive or almond oil to the same mask to take care of the drier areas. A mask made of oatmeal and yogurt can be applied to the T-zone. Honey can be added to this mask, for the drier zone.

To sum up, natural skin care can improve the texture of all skin types, at a minimum cost. However, this care has to be supplemented with a nutritious, low-fat diet, regular exercise, and plentiful sleep to obtain glowing skin that earns praise.

Skin Care provides detailed information on Skin Care, Skin Care Products, Natural Skin Care, Anti Aging Skin Care and more. Skin Care is affiliated with Natural Skin Care Products.

A study involving a European occupational therapist suffering from psoriasis who had obtained compensation from her health insurance in order to undergo therapy at the Dead Sea has lead to great interest in health funds in Denmark, Germany and other European Countries. This has resulted in their subsidizing treatment from the Dead Sea for people suffering from both Psoriasis and other skin conditions. If Health Insurance companies can be considering coverage of treatment at the Dead Sea for relief and treatment of skin disorders, then it seems reasonable to advocate usage of products manufactured from the Mud and minerals of the Dead Sea.

Healthy skin and

Assisting to replace or remove electrolytes enables the body to maintain a good fluid balance thereby improving a feeling of relaxation, health and well being. Below is a list of the therapeutic physical and mental well being is dependent on the correct sodium and potassium or fluid balance in the body. This is regulated by the Adrenal gland, which in turn affect healthy function of the kidneys. The kidneys are responsible for controlling 28 chemicals in the body. An imbalance of these chemicals or electrolytes can result in certain skin or other symptoms and over an extended period of time results in various illnesses. benefits of the Dead Sea products together with the conditions or symptoms they alleviate.

The Dead Sea Salts differ from regular sea salt in 2 important ways.

1) They contain 10 times more minerals than sea salt.
2) The Dead

Sea salts absorb essential oils with ease, which enables them to be released into the bath water as they dissolve.

This is beneficial for those wishing to benefit from the Dead Sea in the privacy of their own home. Some of the minerals found in the Dead Sea are listed below together with their functions or benefits to health. This provides some insight as to why these minerals assist in cleansing, de-toxing and restoring a healthy status quo of the body, especially the skin and muscles.

Minerals and Chemicals found in the Dead Sea

Sulfur-is found in the amino acids cysteine, and methionine; as well as in cells, hemoglobin (of the blood), collagen (of the muscles), keratin (required for skin), insulin, heparin, biotin, co-enzyme A, (required for healthy hair, skin, nails, among many other biological structures). Sulfur is necessary for synthesizing collagen. It is required for the adequate digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and a number of vitamins e.g. thiamin, biotin and pantothenic acid; It is also essential to enable cells to breathe Sulfur is necessary for the secretion of bile from the liver and for converting toxins into non-toxins.

Chlorine is necessary to maintain the correct balance of alkaline and acid in the body, together with being vital for cell metabolism

Iodine is necessary for the production of the hormone thyroxin, and is also vital for both energy and cell metabolism is necessary to maintain the water balance in order for cell metabolism to take place, assisting the cells to absorb nourishment and expel waste products. An imbalance in potassium often leads to water retention.

Potassium also plays a vital role in regulating muscle contractions and the nervous system.

Sodium like potassium plays s a vital role in assisting the cells to absorb nourishment and expel waste.

Calcium is necessary in strengthening cell membranes and cleansing the pores. In addition it is vital for production and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones, together with regulating the heart muscles and nerves.

Magnesium is necessary in assisting the body to utilize other essential nutiens and in cell metabolism.

Bromine helps with the natural repair of the body together with cell metabolism and can be sued as a natural antibiotic. Saunas often use Dead Sea salts to evaporate the bromides thus creating and environment similar to the Dead Sea. Having a hot bath with Dead Sea salts and allowing the steam to collect in the bathroom will have a similar effect. Other than the benefits listed below for bath salts, steaming and using these salts in the bath can be beneficial for respiratory conditions e.g. asthma.

PELOTHERAPY The main healing property of mud is humic acid, which comes from concentration of organic matter. After the Ice Age the earth experienced a compression of plant and animal life resulting in transformation of various rocks and hence, muds. The parts of the earth, which suffered the most erosion, have higher deposits of humic acid. One of these areas is the Dead Sea, which has the largest concentration of humic acid, chloride salts of magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, bromine and various other minerals. Since the Dead Sea Mud (also known as Pelloid) has a high concentration of minerals together with an ability to hold heat, the mud can be used for certain healing benefits. Smearing the Pelloid onto the body in a process known as Pelotherapy provides cleansing and detoxing of the skin which has proved beneficial for skin, muscle pain and arthritic or rheumatic conditions.


Is an ancient healing form using water, usually with added salts, thereby distinguishing it from hydrotherapy, to condition, relax and revitalize the skin, body and muscles. Its benefits are seen in improving circulation, strengthening the immune system, reducing pain, stress and insomnia.

Yoav Cohen is an author for AHAVA Dead Sea products site.

Treatment of Acne with Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is probably the most widely used treatment for acne because of its antibacterial and drying properties. It is available for use by everyone from babies to teens to middle aged persons. It is available in mild solutions for over-the-counter use and in prescription strength.

Benzoyl peroxide is closely related to industrial drying agents in a variety of products. The products sold for a quick repair to automotive bodies contain benzoic acid. Another use of a similar substance is as a preservative in food. It's a pretty affective way to remove liquids. Still it can be overly drying as can be deduced from its use in car repairs.

Naturally something as widely available as this substance is misused on occasion. Overly strong solutions sold for use on the thicker skin of the torso would be harmful if used on the face. This would be extremely true if the very strong solution sold for a young adult were to be used for a baby's delicate skin. The same substance can be prescribed for a baby but in a much more dilute solution.

This very simple approach to acne treatment enters the marketplace in many different forms. Whether used in soap or cleansing foam, it is just as easy to overuse this chemical. In any of its forms no matter how creamy the product may feel it really is the strength of the solution that determines the way in which it is to be used.

Baby and adult skin treatments use the lowest solution at 2.5% while the strongest solution at about 10% is used in the treatment of cystic acne of the body. A few applications for solutions of 1% are available for the treatment of rosacea acne.

Benzoyl peroxide should be used as part of a comprehensive treatment approach.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Free info. on Adult Acne and skin care treatments.

Acne Skin Care Products and Teenagers Team Up!

What is Acne? Acne is a skin disease that is caused by the changing structures of the skin and the oils secreted by glands which when mixed with dead skin cells and an excess of oil plug the pores of the skin which become inflamed and results in the creation of pustules also known as ?pimples? which are filled with pus. When ruptured with the pressure of fingers or other instruments, scars can occur depending on the damages that resulting from the extraction process if not done properly. This condition is often treated with a variety of Acne skin care products which can be successful in certain cases and not in others.

What are the causes of Acne?

There are several factors that may be responsible for causing Acne such as:

- Certain types of steroids

- Certain medication

- The presence of bacteria in the pores

- Hormone levels

- Excess of natural oils produced by glands

- Being exposed to high levels of chlorine based compounds

- Irritation of the skin

- Scratching a lot

- Dead cells accumulation

- Stress

Myths about Acne

Several myths exist about Acne which may even mislead the person affected by Acne to use the wrong skin care products or treatments which could cause damages in some cases or basically does not solve the problem.

Contrary to current beliefs, chocolate, chips and sugar have not been proven to cause Acne while milk and seafood contain ingredients that may be responsible for Acne in some people.

Acne is not caused by a poor hygiene of the skin. In fact, rough cleansing of the skin may make matters worse or dry your skin. Soap should be avoid, especially highly perfumed ones. Ask your pharmacist for the best skin care products available and suiting your type of skin. Always remove makeup before going to sleep as your skin needs a break too, just like the rest of your body.

Celibacy or masturbation is not responsible for Acne. The only correlation between sex and Acne is the fact that it produces higher levels of natural oils.

Treatments that are currently available

For smaller cases of Acne, you can ask a pharmacist for some suggestions but it is always a good idea to see a dermatologist so you can have personal advice that is specific to your skin condition. Among the treatments that may be recommended to you are:

Antibiotics that will kill the bacteria that may affect your skin.

Reduce the production of oils by swallowing some vitamin A derivates on a daily basis which can have side effects and should be monitored by your dermatologist.

Medication to regulate the lifecycle of follicle cells.

Using over the counter exfoliating skin care products which will rid the skin of dead cells but their use should be done according to the directions or your dermatologist?s advice as otherwise it may cause other problems.

Hormonal treatments can also be used to balance the level of hormones, especially the level of androgen which can be responsible for Acne.

Phototherapy is also another option but besides the high level of UV rays which can cause damage by itself, the cost of this type of therapeutic approach can be expensive as well.

Other treatments include the use of azelaic acid, zinc or alternative treatments such as the ones introduced in Nicholas Perricone?s book: ?The Acne Prescription?.

Ways of the future!

Among the treatments that will more than likely be available in the near future as they are currently being studied and tested now, you may eventually be able to use the following skin care treatments:

- Laser treatments

- Gene therapy

As you can see, there are quite a variety of treatments, therapies and Acne skin care products that are available on the market. With some professional advice from either a dermatologist or pharmacist, being a teenager with an Acne problem is not as scary or without solutions. Depending on the severity of the Acne, there is a solution available to suit your needs or the ones of your teenager.

For years I taught to teenagers and I have noticed their struggle with Acne and Acne skin care products. If you wish to learn more about Acne skin care products that are both available on the market and effective, I invite you to visit our site which is at: http://skin-care.findoutnow.org

Is Your Skin Care As Pure As It Can Be?

To achieve a more radiant skin and beautiful complexion, it is vital to use only the purest skin care products, particularly those made only with raw, living and natural ingredients. In this article, I explain why this is the best external skin care possible, which, together with a healthy diet, right lifestyle and a positive mental attitude, helps the skin to become softer, firmer and achieve an unmistakable glow.

From the outset I?d like to emphasize that becoming more beautiful is available to anyone now, regardless of their present health, condition or age, who is willing to create beauty through changes in the diet, external skin care and mental outlook.

What we put on our skin is just as important as the food we eat. The skin is the body?s largest organ and plays a crucial role, not only in the elimination of toxins and in regulating our internal temperature, but also in terms of absorption.

Therefore it is critical to use skin and personal care products that, first of all, are free from toxic chemical ingredients. Some of these ingredients include:

a) Propylene glycol: Found in practically every skin moisturiser, propylene glycol is used as the base ingredient in the manufacture of brake fluid and industrial anti-freeze. It greatly damages and ages the skin. It also causes rashes and dry skin.

b) Lauryl sulphates: These corrosive chemical ingredients used in industry to manufacture garage floor cleaner and engine de-greasing are also one of the main ingredients in practically every major brand of shampoo, bubble bath, face wash, shaving gel & toothpaste. Lauryl sulphates eat away at the mucous lining of the skin, are highly irritant to the eyes and cause urinary tract infections.

c) Parabens: synthetic chemicals which have been linked with breast cancer. They are used as preservatives in many shampoos and personal care products.

Secondly, it is important to use skin care products that are made only with raw, living and natural ingredients such as raw cacao (cocoa) butter and cold-pressed oils. This is because the skin greatly nourishes from the life force, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids present in the natural ingredients.

The benefits are numerous. The life energy in the ingredients is highly nourishing and healing. Antioxidants for example, help to reverse skin ageing and inflammation and help heal scar tissue. Minerals play a key role in beautifying the skin, hair & nails. Sulphur, for instance, is a central component of collagen & connective tissue, which provides elasticity & flexibility to the tissues. Vitamins such as A, C and E are moisturizing, soothing and healing to the skin. Essential fatty acids help to remove toxins from tissues.

To ensure that the life force and all these nutrients are retained, skin care products must be made at temperatures below 40C. If ingredients are heated above this level during the manufacturing process, most of the antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and the life force in the ingredients are destroyed. A good example of this is cold-pressed olive oil, which has long been considered a topical remedy for wrinkles and facial lines. Not surprisingly, olive oil is the best source of raw vitamin E. However, it is also is extremely sensitive to temperature and light and becomes completely corrupted when heated.

Heated oils and fats when used in skin care products ?even in the so-called most natural ones- are actually one of the worst offenders to skin beauty. They contain highly toxic transfatty acids, which may be absorbed into the cell membranes, causing them to become porous and weak. Heating oils and fats also leads to the creation of free radicals, which are unstable oxygen molecules that have lost an electron. Collagen, a protein molecule that constitutes 80% of the dermis, is particularly susceptible to free radical damage, which includes wrinkles, lingering scars and stiff collagen

In contrast, cold-pressed fats and oils kept at low temperatures help to beautify the skin, strengthen the cell membranes and restore nutrients to the tissues.

In short, the best external skin care is to use products made using only 100% raw and living ingredients. At present, the only company in the world producing a range of such products is Raw Gaia. More information can be found at http://www.rawgaia.com

(c) Hector Bolanos, 2006.

Hector Bolanos is the sales & marketing director at Raw Gaia, a natural skin care company. He can be contacted at enquiries@rawgaia.com and on +44 (0)1273 311 476

It really comes as no surprise that acne is a skin blemish problem that affects millions of adults and teenagers on an everyday basis. For many this is an uncomfortable situation that can sometimes be avoided with the proper acne treatments and skin cleansers.

Unfortunately for many acne sufferers trying to find the most effective zit remedy or pimple fighting solution can be a difficult and sometimes daunting task. To make things worse, with so many acne fighting products for sale in your favorite drugstore the ability to make the right choice doesn?t get any easier. Let's face it with every manufacturer claiming that their acne-fighting product is the best it's extremely difficult to know which pimple formula or skin cleanser is effective at eliminating acne and not actually going to accelerate or increase the acne on your face.

Perhaps the best thing you or anyone suffering from acne, zits and pimples can do is to take a proactive approach and end your acne once and for all. A proactive acne treatment involves knowing how to properly treat your acne symptoms and knowing what to avoid in order to not aggravate your current skin blemish or condition. For example you've probably been told a hundred times to never pop a zit or pimple and yet still many individuals suffering from acne still insists on performing this permanently damaging act to their skin. The best possible way to eliminate acne naturally is to gently wash your face and then lightly dry it without any aggressive scrubbing. This act alone will help clear up your acne quickly and prevent any further outbreaks from occurring.

No matter what acne fighting treatment, solution or regiment you undertake you must follow the instructions for its use explicitly. Simply stated you must find the time to effectively treat and take care of your skin if you harbor any hope of clearing up your acne quickly and easily.

In the event that no matter what acne treatment product you purchase it doesn't seem to help alleviate or clear up your skin blemish or condition then you may need to take another proactive acne treatment step that involves changing some of your current daily living habits such as your diet.

It's common knowledge that acne is caused by oil that collects in your skin pores and blocks them up. This clogging of the pores is ultimately what leads to zits and pimples better known as acne. Oily foods such as greasy hamburgers or junk food has been known to contribute to the acceleration of oil produced by the sebaceous oil glands which is known as a leading cause for comedones or blackheads as they are commonly called.

However, not all oil-producing foods are bad for your skin. In fact, some such as the avocado are known to produce oils that naturally help to keep your skin pores free from getting clogged and thus help to prevent the outbreak of acne and other aggravating skin blemishes.

As you can see a correct and effective proactive acne fighting treatment involves the routine use of an acne cleansing solution, the proper techniques to wash and dry your face and keeping an eye on your daily dietary intake in order to limit the foods that are known to cause an outbreak of acne.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Clear-Skin-Solutions.com He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and proactive acne treatments that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

More Ways to Deal With Acne

The ?cures? for acne vary dependant on the type and severity of acne. The truth is, there is currently no cure for acne, only treatments. Some people have success treating their acne with over the counter topical medications, and others require a combination of prescription oral and topical treatments. These medications treat the symptoms of acne (the inflammation) and help to prevent future breakouts but do not address the cause of acne.

There are several commonly known contributors to acne outbreaks and most of these conditions can be controlled.

Stress ? When we are under stress, one of the ways our body responds is by releasing hormones such as cortisol and androgen, causing a hormonal imbalance. Additionally, the sebaceous gland releases fatty secretions that can contribute to pore clogging. While stress in our daily lives is unavoidable, stress management techniques to help elevate tension levels and disperse cortisol levels are helpful to the prevention of acne.

Diet ? The myth about greasy foods contributing to acne breakouts is just that, a myth. However, a poor diet that robs our bodies of essential vitamins and minerals can contribute to acne breakouts. Vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin E, Zinc, Selenium, and Magnesium are important to healthy skin cells, hormonal balance, and maintaining a strong immune system. Taking a multivitamin that contains 100% of the recommended allotment of these vitamins and minerals is helpful to the prevention of acne.

Caffeine ? Coffee, tea, and soft drinks that contain caffeine can contribute to acne breakouts. Caffeine has been shown to contribute to the production of cortisol.

Skin Condition ? People who have unbalanced skin, meaning it is either too dry or too oily are more likely to have acne breakouts. Some people have what is known as combination skin, where some areas are dry, and others are oily. Using a face cleansing regiment that works to establish balanced skin helps to keep acne outbreaks under control.

Genetics ? Genetics quite probably play the biggest role of all in determining who develops acne, how much, and over what period of time in life. Unfortunately, we are just barely beginning to scratch the surface in genetic research, and any solutions or treatments for acne that are developed on a genetic level are probably many years away

It is also wise to note that hygiene does NOT play a big role (if any role at all) in contributing to acne breakouts. Of course, it is a good idea to wash one?s face daily, using an oil-free face wash or moisturizing bar. However, no direct link has been found between acne and poor hygiene. So forget the stereotypes. Face and body washing (or lack there of), contribute very little, if anything at all to acne.

However, in spite of what we don?t know about acne, there are many acne treatments that for most people, can work as an acne ?cure?. These range from prescription medications like Retin-A and Accutane, to herbal and holistic treatments like green tea cream or tea tree oil.

Remember, always consult a dermatologist before using anything to treat acne, or any other condition. This will not only keep one safe, but a dermatologist can help advise on the best treatment to take the acne away faster, and more effectively!

Greg Podsakoff is a former acne sufferer, and currently provides information on treating acne, pimples, and zits, via an objective informational skincare website, http://www.acne-treatments-guide.com

Back to School With Clear Skin

Backpack? Check. Notebooks? Check. Ink-pens? Check. Clear Skin? Mommmm!

If you are anything like three-fourths of the parents Harris Interactive for the American Counseling Association recently surveyed, you are actively involved in helping your teenager treat acne.

While getting everything in order for back to school adds enough stress, the last thing your teen may want to deal with is a pimply face. So how can you send Mr. or Miss ?But I have to have it now!? off to school with no fuss and no zits?

Even though little Caitlin?s initial reaction may be to bolt for the strongest acne soap she can find, this is not the way to go. As dermatologist Alanna F. Bree, MD at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine, warns, many of the zealous measures people take can make the blemishes worse.?

Then again, after visiting a dermatologist to determine if acne prescriptions like tretinoin (Retin-A), antibiotics or isotretinoin are in order, it will take weeks before your teen sees a marked improvement in their skin?s condition.

Next, perhaps a laser visit may zap the zits away. Yet, Jerome Garden, MD, of the department of dermatology at Northwestern University in Chicago advises, ?These are highly expensive cash procedures requiring multiple visits to the office.?

Dr. Spencer added, ?I think light-based therapy for acne represents one more tool in the tool chest, but it's quite unreasonable for it to be the first thing that pops into your head.?

Your best bet for preventative acne measures can start in your own home. Author of Acne Messages: Crack the Code of Your Zits and Say Goodbye to Acne, Naweko San-Joyz, offers three steps to help your teenager get clearer skin fast.

First, after gently cleansing the face, swipe it with a cotton-ball drenched in apple-cider vinegar to help remove excess fatty acid deposits that may provoke zits.

Second, cook a bowl of raw (not instant) oatmeal and let it cool. Mix the oatmeal with one teaspoon of honey and then apply it to the face as a mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it off. The mask helps dry up existing zits, exfoliate the skin and reduce overpopulation by p. acnes bacteria.

Third, San-Joyz suggests blending a smoothie of fresh carrots, celery, pineapple and a teaspoon of wheat germ. The nutrients served up in this cocktail help compensate for shortages in vitamins A, B, C and E and the mineral zinc that can sometimes trigger acne.

As the first and final stand against teenage acne, dermatologist Dr. Alan Rockoff Brookline?s offers this encouragement, ?Once you rule out conditions that require urgent intervention (pretty easy in dermatology), often the best thing is to relax, and wait.?

For now, give your teenager the assurance that the acne can improve after de-stressing and if that fails, give you local dermatologist a ring.

Sources: eSkin and Allergy News

Are you a pro at yo-yo dieting? Let Naweko show you how to go from slob to sexy using the secret mind tools that even fitness models won?t tell you about. Get the real scoop on how to lose weight and keep it off at http://www.Noixia.com, home of ?Skinny Fat Chicks: Why We?re Still Not Getting This Dieting Thing? ISBN:0974912212.

Everything You Need to Know about Acne

Acne or commonly known as zits or pimples are skin inflammation affecting 87% of the total US population. They usually appear during puberty because of abnormal response of the body to the male hormone known as testosterone.


Until now, the causes of acne are still being investigated. However, scientific studies show that it can be hereditary. Other factors linked to zits are the following:

1. Skin irritation.

2. Use of Anabolic steroids. Most body builders are taking these synthetic hormones for faster growth of muscles and bone tissues.

3. Stress that increase hormones from adrenal glands.

4. Exposure to chlorine compounds like chlorinated dioxins.


Most people who are suffering from acne on their teens notice decrease or total disappearance of acne when they reach their early twenties without seeking treatment. However, there are some who are suffering from it for decades. The following are proven treatment against acne.

1. Exfoliation.

This can be done through the use of liquid scrub, abrasive cloth, or other exfoliating agents that allow the skin to peel to prevent dead skin cells build-up. This process also unblocks clogged pores.

2. Antibiotics.

There are 2 kinds of antibiotics that are being used to treat acne: These are topical antibiotics and oral antibiotics.

Topical antibiotics are applied directly to the affected area. They are being used to remove bacteria trapped on the follicles. This is more popular compare to oral antibiotics because it eliminates possible side effects like drug interactions or stomach upset.

Oral antibiotics on the other hand regulate cell behaviour and reduce oil secretion to unclog the pores.

3. Hormonal treatments.

This treatment works best for females. Oral contraceptive pills contains progestogen and oestrogen that can help in reducing acne. Some dermatologists administer an injection containing cortisone directly to a large pimple that reduces inflammation and redness almost immediately.

Advanced treatments

Dermatologists are now considering the use of laser surgery not only to reduce acne scars but also to prevent acne formation. This can be done by burning the sebaceous gland and follicle sac to induce oxygen that kills the bacteria causing acne. This is recommended to people who are suffering from severe acne.

Acne scars

Severe acne leaves scars that are very expensive and difficult to treat. Although there are no guarantees that acne scars will be removed completely, there are scar treatments that lessen them. These are the following:

1. Dermabrasions.

This treatment removes the top layer of the skin using high-speed wire brush making the acne scar less visible. People who are suffering from severe acne will need multiple treatments to get desired results. This can only be done by cosmetic surgeons and dermatologists.

2. Microdermabrasion.

The newest technique in dermatology that enhances dermabrasion. This is being done by rubbing tiny crystals on the affected area using suction tool.

3. Chemical peeling.

This treatment uses organic acid like salicylic, glycolic, or lactic acid to remove the top layer of the skin so that smoother layer will surface. This is generally painless and does not require anaesthetic.


Several books were introduced in the market stating that acne can be prevented by following strict diet and avoiding dairy products. They also suggest that adequate exercise and proper hygiene can save anyone from acne problem.

Acne can be a tough case however, knowing how to keep it away from your face is the strongest weapon you can have to enjoy a beautiful face and life.

skincare-101.com is a free information site that offers articles and resources on Skin Care. If you want to read or share information on Health & Fitness-Acne, you're always welcome!

Lotion Candles May Be Harmful To Your Skin

If you have a love for candles, then you have probably come across or heard of ?lotion candles?. A ?lotion candle? is usually a scented soy candle and is advertised as being a moisturizer for your skin. According to some candle makers, you burn your lotion candle before your bath, making sure to extinguish the candle at least 30 seconds before dipping your fingers into the hot wax, and rub the melted wax onto your body as you would lotion.

I have seen many soy candle makers advertise their candles in this way. As a chandler, I find several things wrong with the practice of using any candle in this way.

1.Dyes in candles are not skin safe. Chandlers do not use skin safe dye in their candles. There are dyes for lotion that are designed to be used in cosmetics and are not harmful to the skin. Dyes for candles are much more powerful dyes and have not been tested for the skin, because they were made for candles not lotion. It takes much more dye to color a candle than to color lotion. At these concentrated levels you may experience some skin irritation.

2.Lotion candles are not made from lotion. I have heard some chandlers say that their candle is made from lotion not wax. There is no such thing as a lotion candle. You can only make a candle from some form of wax. Soy candles are made from soybean wax, which is made from soybean oil. The soy wax that is bought for candle making is not a cosmetic grade of wax. The FDA requires any cosmetic to meet specific requirements to ensure the safety of cosmetic products to the public.

3.Fragrance oils used in candles are not all skin safe. Most candle makers use up to 9% fragrance oil in their candles. Even if a chandler uses skin safe fragrance oil it is only skin safe up to 3%. Having experience making candles, I can tell you that fragrance oil in its pure form can cause a serious chemical burn. It may burn your skin in the same way acid would burn your skin. Therefore, rubbing scented candle wax on your skin may cause irritation to your skin.

4.Never dip your hands into a flaming candle. It is true that soy wax burns cooler than paraffin; however the flame of any candle will burn you severely. ?Lotion candles? usually say to extinguish the flame first, but I have seen chandlers demonstrate the use of ?lotion candles? at craft shows without extinguishing the flame.

5.If you have children never let them see you dip your hands into a hot candle. Soy wax does burn much cooler than other candles; however a child will not know the difference between a ?lotion candle? and a paraffin candle. Hot wax on a child?s skin could cause very serious damage. So if you decide to use ?lotion candles? please be responsible.

Soy candles are wonderful, but I don?t recommend using them as lotion candles. There are several lotions available to you including soy lotion that have skin safe ingredients added to it.

Amanda Arnold is the co-owner of Mamma's Primitive Hut and sells hand poured soybean candles and lotions.

Dieters: How to Avoid Loose Skin Problems

We lose weight to look great and feel good about our bodies. And yet even when we lose a lot of weight and look great in our clothes we can still feel unhappy at how our bodies look undressed.

The problem?

Unwanted loose sagging skin left as a reminder of our former shape. Here are the 5 keys to prevent loose sagging skin when you undergo a weight loss program.

1. Lose weight slowly

Skin has remarkable powers of elasticity and yet it does not snap back instantly into shape if you lose a lot of weight quickly - anyone who has ever had a baby will tell you that one for free!

The more gradually you lose weight the easier it is for your skin to keep pace with your new shape. You certainly didn't put on all those pounds overnight - your skin had time to adapt so don't try to get rid of them all at once either if you want your skin to stay looking good.

Change your habits gradually so that you lose your weight bit by bit and you're far less likely to have problems than someone going on a crash diet and congratulating themselves on losing 100lbs in 6 months.

2. Eat nutrient rich foods

If your meals and snacks consist of junk food (even if you eat it in smaller quantities than before) then you're unlikely to nourish your skin properly and build up its strength.

Choose foods which are high in vitamins and minerals and low in sugar, saturated fat and additives. Include foods high in essential fatty acids such as avocados, olives, oily fish, nuts and seeds and oils made from these and also ensure that you have an adequate supply of lean protein.

3. Preserve your muscle tone

When you lose weight you may find that the skin becomes loose because you have lost some of the underlying muscle which supports it. If you lose more than a pound or two of weight a week then it is very likely you're losing muscle tissue as well as fat and without specific intense exercises to replace that muscle your skin will sag.

In any case, no matter how fast you lose weight (and even just to prevent age-related sagging) it is always helpful to do some toning exercises for all parts of your body including your face to keep skin firm if you care about looking good.

4. Keep skin hydrated

Drink plenty of water to keep skin healthy. If you drink wall to wall fizzy drinks, coffee and tea skin suffers because these drinks cause you to be more dehydrated than ever. And diet drinks full of additives do not help your skin no matter how few calories they contain. Only water and pure herbal teas will do the trick.

You can add lemon or orange slices to your water and you can have it at any temperature you like but drink enough - about 2 litres a day. That's about 8 glasses. If it helps try the rubber band trick and put 8 bands on your wrist or around a pot or bottle on your desk and remove one each drink of water you have.

5. Lose weight sooner rather than later

Don't keep putting off your weight loss program. The older you are and the longer you have been overweight the less elastic and resilient your skin becomes and the more you need to stick stringently to the other guidelines here to prevent skin becoming too loose.

Also don't get too complacent about being able to eat all you want and then lose weight later before you get hugely overweight The constant yo-yo dieting stretching and then loosening the skin will harm your skin's elasticity too.

Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small

Janice Elizabeth is a weight loss coach, slimming club owner and author of The Diet Exit Plan, an 8 week coaching program for automatic permanent weight loss. Request her FREE 15 page report How to lose weight without dieting - 7 secrets the diet industry doesn't want you to know at http://www.SimplySlimming.com TODAY!

No Such Thing as a Healthy Tan

You see a 'beautiful' tan and your immediate thought might be that it is healthy looking, however that tanned look is actually your skin's response to the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet rays from the sun penetrate into the upper layers of unprotected skin, quickly damaging skin cells even before you start showing any signs of sunburn or tan. That ?healthy glow? is caused by the release of enzymes by your skin?s defense mechanism, in an attempt to repair the damaged cells - basically your body?s ?cry for help?. The intense redness of over-exposed, sunburned skin, is due to the increased blood flow caused by the release of chemicals or enzymes by the damaged skin. Over time, your body?s repair efforts may end up leading to skin cancer.

Skin cancer is basic term for several different forms of cancer. Basal cell carcinoma , is the most common form of skin cancer and usually affects the face, ears, neck, scalp, shoulders and back. This type of cancer does not generally spread to other parts of the body. Squamous cell carcinoma, is the second most common form of skin cancer and usually affects the face, neck, hands, ears, lips, shoulders, arms, back and bald scalps. This type of cancer does have the ability to spread more often than basal cell. Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer and the least common form, however the number of melanoma cases over the past ten years has increased more than any other form of cancer. It can spread quickly if not treated early.

Following are a few interesting facts to consider the next time you are thinking of bathing your skin in the sun?s rays. One blistering sunburn as youngster more than doubles a person?s chance of developing skin cancer later in life. The regular use of sun protection throughout childhood can reduce the risk of skin cancer by 80%. Over 90% of all skin cancers are caused by sun exposure, however less than 33% of adults, teens and children routinely use sunscreen and less than half of all teens. If that doesn?t make you think, here?s one more: The aging affects on your skin caused by the sun can be seen by the time you are in your 20?s!

Lisa T. has lived in South Florida for over 20 years, having personal experiences on this subject and presents a website on sun protection at BlocktheRays.com and additional info on her Blog.

Rosehip Seed Oil A Foundation for Beauty

Rosehip seed oil has become widely recognized as an effective skin and beauty care agent in the last decade, with great interest surrounding its scientifically-validated beauty-enhancing effects. The oil has been heralded as a miracle cure for skin, useful for a great myriad of conditions, from premature aging and sun damage to scarring and other damage. What is this wonderful red liquid, where does it come from, how does it work, and most importantly, can it work for you?

Rosehip seed oil is extracted from the seed within the fruit of the wild thorny rose bush. Native to Chile, the plant is now cultivated elsewhere in South America with many countries producing the oil. Also found under the name 'Rosa Mosqueta', the oil has been used by native people for hundreds of years, but only recently became known to the rest of the world.

The red colored oil can be either solvent extracted or 'cold-pressed' ? pressing is the really way to go, as there is no chance of any solvent residues remaining in the final product, and it is easier on the environment. The cold-pressed oil is the closest to nature; it has a high essential fatty acid content, and is considered more delicate than other seed oils. For this reasons, pure rosehip seed oil should be kept in a cool place, out of direct light, and should be used within 1 year of purchase. Otherwise the more fragile of the fatty acids could begin to turn bad, and your skin might not be so fond of them.

Rosehip seed oil is an excellent source of natural vitamin E and natural vitamin A, or 'trans-retinoic acid'. Retinoic acid, the acid derivative of vitamin A, is the active ingredient found in Retin-A or Tretinoin. Retin-A (a pharmaceutical preparation) has been heralded as a wrinkle cure because of its ability to increase skin cell proliferation ? or speed the time it takes for your skin to regenerate. In fact, rosehip seed oil has been extensively studied for many of the same actions attributed to Retin-A, and has been shown effective without side effects (like over-drying and peeling ? though unlike Retin-A, it should not be used to treat acne).

The first major study on rosehip seed oil was performed in 1983 by a team of researchers at the University of Santiago, Chile. The study's participants included individuals with diverse forms of skin damage: deep wrinkles and other premature aging, UV damage, radiation damage, acne scarring, burn scarring, dermatitis, and other problems of this type. Rosehip seed oil was shown to have significant, noticeable effects in regenerating the skin, reducing wrinkles and scars, and helping the skin to regain its natural color and tone.

Another later study was conducted on women ages 25-35 with extensive premature aging of their skin. Again, rosehip seed oil significantly reduced the appearance of wrinkles and sun spots after daily application for four months. Research has continued on the oil, with one study noting: On some skin troubles like superficial wrinkles, chestnut spots and ephelides, good results have been obtained. After 16 weeks of treatment, wrinkles and spots become imperceptible. The oil has been used to successfully treat a long list of skin related conditions, including: age spots, wrinkles and premature aging, sun damage, scars from acne, burns, and surgery, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, hyper-pigmentation, brittle nails, and even dry and damaged hair.

Besides its regenerative properties, rosehip seed oil is also an excellent moisturizer. This is most likely due to its high essential fatty acid content (fatty acids that the body cannot produce itself), which are necessary for healthy skin. The oil penetrates the upper layers of the skin quickly and, being known as a 'dry' moisturizer, does not leave the skin feeling greasy or oily.

As for daily use of rosehip seed oil, it is considered extremely gentle and can be applied undiluted to the skin. It may also be blended with other oils like jojoba and sweet almond, and will still have wonderful effects at 10% of the total concentration. Further, rosehip seed oil makes an excellent carrier oil for aromatherapy ? blends with essential oils having skin regenerative and soothing properties are highly recommended.

For improvement of scarring, a simple blend of 20 drops of Helichrysum Italicum per 1 ounce of rosehip seed oil, applied daily to the area, can be helpful. Helichrysum is known for its content of regenerative 'ketones'. For a more luxurious beauty blend, try the following in 4 ounces of rosehip seed:

5 drops Helichrysum
5 drops Lavender
3 drops Sandalwood
3 drops Neroli
3 drops Carrot Seed
3 drops Geranium
2 drops Roman Chamomile
2 drops Jasmine
1 drop Palmarosa
1 drop Ylang Ylang

Even simply the Helichrysum and Lavender will go a long way ? Lavender oil is very gentle, and is also known to have regenerative properties.

So, whether using rosehip seed oil for healing your skin, or simply giving it a little nourishment, you will almost certainly be happy with the results. This luscious oil, with its broad range of positive effects, is sure to take a prominent place in your natural beauty botanical collection.

Misty Rae Cech ND is a naturopath and yoga teacher practicing in Boulder, Colorado. She utilizes many natural therapies in her practice, including aromatherapy and flower essence therapy. She is the founder of the Ananda Apothecary Flower Essences and Ananda Aromatherapy Essential Oils.

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