What is Acne? Acne is a skin disease that is caused by the changing structures of the skin and the oils secreted by glands which when mixed with dead skin cells and an excess of oil plug the pores of the skin which become inflamed and results in the creation of pustules also known as ?pimples? which are filled with pus. When ruptured with the pressure of fingers or other instruments, scars can occur depending on the damages that resulting from the extraction process if not done properly. This condition is often treated with a variety of Acne skin care products which can be successful in certain cases and not in others.
What are the causes of Acne?
There are several factors that may be responsible for causing Acne such as:
- Certain types of steroids
- Certain medication
- The presence of bacteria in the pores
- Hormone levels
- Excess of natural oils produced by glands
- Being exposed to high levels of chlorine based compounds
- Irritation of the skin
- Scratching a lot
- Dead cells accumulation
- Stress
Myths about Acne
Several myths exist about Acne which may even mislead the person affected by Acne to use the wrong skin care products or treatments which could cause damages in some cases or basically does not solve the problem.
Contrary to current beliefs, chocolate, chips and sugar have not been proven to cause Acne while milk and seafood contain ingredients that may be responsible for Acne in some people.
Acne is not caused by a poor hygiene of the skin. In fact, rough cleansing of the skin may make matters worse or dry your skin. Soap should be avoid, especially highly perfumed ones. Ask your pharmacist for the best skin care products available and suiting your type of skin. Always remove makeup before going to sleep as your skin needs a break too, just like the rest of your body.
Celibacy or masturbation is not responsible for Acne. The only correlation between sex and Acne is the fact that it produces higher levels of natural oils.
Treatments that are currently available
For smaller cases of Acne, you can ask a pharmacist for some suggestions but it is always a good idea to see a dermatologist so you can have personal advice that is specific to your skin condition. Among the treatments that may be recommended to you are:
Antibiotics that will kill the bacteria that may affect your skin.
Reduce the production of oils by swallowing some vitamin A derivates on a daily basis which can have side effects and should be monitored by your dermatologist.
Medication to regulate the lifecycle of follicle cells.
Using over the counter exfoliating skin care products which will rid the skin of dead cells but their use should be done according to the directions or your dermatologist?s advice as otherwise it may cause other problems.
Hormonal treatments can also be used to balance the level of hormones, especially the level of androgen which can be responsible for Acne.
Phototherapy is also another option but besides the high level of UV rays which can cause damage by itself, the cost of this type of therapeutic approach can be expensive as well.
Other treatments include the use of azelaic acid, zinc or alternative treatments such as the ones introduced in Nicholas Perricone?s book: ?The Acne Prescription?.
Ways of the future!
Among the treatments that will more than likely be available in the near future as they are currently being studied and tested now, you may eventually be able to use the following skin care treatments:
- Laser treatments
- Gene therapy
As you can see, there are quite a variety of treatments, therapies and Acne skin care products that are available on the market. With some professional advice from either a dermatologist or pharmacist, being a teenager with an Acne problem is not as scary or without solutions. Depending on the severity of the Acne, there is a solution available to suit your needs or the ones of your teenager.
For years I taught to teenagers and I have noticed their struggle with Acne and Acne skin care products. If you wish to learn more about Acne skin care products that are both available on the market and effective, I invite you to visit our site which is at: http://skin-care.findoutnow.org