For a healthy skin, skin care is extremely important and when we talk about acne, trust me acne skin care is even more important. Acne is that condition of skin when the skin has pimples, cysts, nodules, blackheads or whiteheads which can occur on face, chest and back. Acne is said to affect more than eighty percent on teenagers or preteen but this is in majority cases otherwise acne can occur on skin of person belonging to any gender, race or color.
The most important goal of acne skin care should include clearance of acne, prevention of scarring and, morbidity minimization. It is very important that the patient who has acne should be given the education on the acne and its treatment because patient's knowledge is most important for effective acne skin care. It is essential to give away with the myths that consumption of greasy food, potato chips, sugar and chocolates are responsible for the development of acne.
For an effective acne skin care the patient should be strictly advised to cleanse the skin gently using a non-comedogenic moisturizer. The patient should also avoid picking and rubbing the skin and using the apricot scrubs that might have a harsh effect on the skin. Other important preventive measures for acne skin care should include use of proper shaving technique and being consistent with the skin care regimen. Drinking more water can also help skin stay healthy. Evidence states that modification of the testosterone dose; dosing schedule or delivery method helps improve acne symptoms.
Another very important issue is the use of cosmetics. Trust me it is better to eliminate or not eliminate so atleast reduce the use of the cosmetics for proper acne skin care because at times the patients use cosmetics and makeup to hide the acne. Though this is reasonable and makes sense, any kind of topically applied oil-based compound will aggravate acne because the growth of acne is increased due to oil glands and top of it if more oil producing cr?mes are applied than one can understand what the condition of the skin would be.
Specifically, the ingredients to avoid for proper acne skin care are isopropyl myristate, isopropyl esters, oleic acid, stearic acid, petrolatum and lanolin. Cosmetic brands of lower quality will not mention the presence or absence of such compounds on the label and must be avoided. Though alcohol-based cosmetics are not the best choice for acne-prone skin, they are certainly preferable to oil-based one. It is best to use water-based cosmetics which, though not as long-lasting as oleaginous ones, are far more suitable and less harmful to acne.
There are a number of cosmetics available for concealing the acne one doesn't want anyone else to see. They usually come in the form of a regimen that includes a concealing cream, a sheer or opaque foundation and a dusting powder. But I would suggest that before using these products as well the skin should be gently cleansed and then these products must be applied on the acne skin.
Find out more about Acne Skin Care as well as other Health issues by visiting and
? 2006