Why do you care about your appearance? Do you look in the mirror and wish you looked younger or better so your partner would find you more attractive? Perhaps you just want to have a skip in your step as you walk down the street feeling fresh and fabulous?

Or is it a little more serious than that?

Are you worried that those laughter lines around your eyes could mean you won?t get that promotion at work, or worse, lose your job altogether?

Well that?s the worry of a growing number of men and women who work in today?s increasingly competitive marketplace. And they?re not just in professions where being beautiful or good looking are traditionally important. More and more people fear that lines will make them look old and tired, which will give their boss the impression that they?re not keeping up, and they?re worried that a younger fresher looking employee will overtake them even though they?re not as experienced.

Worried men are increasingly using wrinkle-reducing Botox injections to hide signs of ageing. They often want Botox to remove lines which they believe could be seen as 'worry lines'. They are frightened looking older or stressed will be a handicap in the jobs market.

Men want to look fresh faced, young and able to cope with a high-powered job and they now see treatments like Botox as a career investment. Not only that, but pictures of glamorous male celebrities and sport stars mean that guys are increasingly looking for glamour.

It?s interesting to note the degree to which attitudes have changed in terms of what is now considered suitable for men. It?s no longer considered vain for a man to look after his appearance, in fact it?s now becoming unacceptable, not to care.

Many practitioners report that men are increasingly coming through their doors. And they come from all walks of life, from city executives to construction workers. The trend is strongest in Big Cities like New York and London, but has also become apparent in smaller towns and cities.

But it?s not just men who are worried about the effect of their appearance on their careers. A recent survey showed that more than one-in-four women executives would consider cosmetic surgery to improve their career prospects, according to a survey.

The survey of women in the UK showed 28% would consider Botox treatments if they thought it would boost their career prospects. So it?s not just women who want to look good who are having Botox. Those who?d never have thought of it before are now considering it as a career investment.

It?s clearly a recognition of the growing importance of appearance in workplace success today.

It?s hardly surprising that the latest non-surgical treatments like Botox and wrinkle fillers are proving so popular, they are incredibly effective at erasing those offending lines that make us look old and tired. But only if the right treatment is used and used correctly. The treatments aren?t cheap and there are a lot of doctors and nurses jumping on the bandwagon to make money from offering them.

So it?s crucial to stay informed to get a good result and to stay safe. If you are considering ?investing? in your appearance, make sure it?s a well informed investment, or your choice could cost you dear, in more ways than one.

Victoria Taylor is an independent investigative journalist who has interviewed doctors, beauticians and surgeons to write ?Secrets to Looking Younger? the ultimate guide to the best treatments and safest practitioners to make you look younger. http://www.secretstolookingyounger.com

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